Abdassalam Ahmad



Communications & Electronics Fresh Engineer specializing in Machine Learning to create intelligent system fields. Passionate about cutting-edge technology and solving real-world problems. Aiming for an internship to gain more knowledge and skills in Deep Learning field.

Contact Information

  • Email: abdassalam.ahmad98@gmail.com
  • GitHub: github.com/AbdassalamAhmad
  • Phone: (+20) 1093397330
  • Address: Alexandria, Egypt


Python 100%
Machine Learning 80%
Deep Learning (Computer Vision) 80%
TensorFlow & Keras 80%
Deployment to Docker & PythonAnywhere 100%
Deployment to Streamlit 100%
Git & GitHub 100%
HTML & CSS 80%
JavaScript 65%
Firebase 80%
C 70%



Abdassalam Ahmad

I'm a fresh electronics and communication engineer. I spent my 5 years degree learning multiple technologies such as:

  • robotics (I built simple line follower robot).
  • web development (I creat a website to push firmware updates to car's system upon client request, this was part of my graduation project where 12 engineer worked in agile environment and used Trello to help us organize our tasks).
  • machine learning (I built a logistics regression model using Jupyter notebook to predict churn rate with the help of pandas, numpy, and scikit learn libraries and deployed it to DOCKER and PythonAnywhere using Flask).
I'm interested to learn new technologies passionate about deep learning capabilities in all the fields.


B.SC. In Electrical and Communications Engineering
Faculty of Engineering | Alexandria University

2016 - 2021


Machine Learning Zoomcamp | Datatalks.Club

September 2021 - Present
  • Make multiple hands-on ML projects like:
    • Classification models.
    • Price prediction models.
    • Decision Trees and Random Forest models.
    • XGBoost model.
  • Evaluate different types of models.
  • Deploy models using Docker and push it to the web using cloud providers like PythonAnywhere.
  • Introduction to Deep Learning and neural networks.

Front-End Development | Udacity

Feb 2021 – Mar 2021
  • It taught me basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • The final project is simple Front-End website.


You can have a look to the different personnal projects I've done so far. Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to know more about it.

  • All
  • Machine Learning
  • Card
  • Deep Learning

Machine Learning Classification

Customer Subscription Prediction

Deep Learning Classification

Predicting Clothing Types